1. International scientific and educational center for nuclear industry center is created in Kazakhstan.
2. The idea in the practice!
3. Unique mobile application for Kazatomprom.
4. KTM Tokamak is given a START!
5. Nuclear veterans for the future.
6. Industry 4.0 in nuclear branch.
7. We have realized unique projects together
8. Regarding scientific efforts carried out by the NNC RK
9. RF BN-350 - decommissioning is on schedule
10. Startup of superabsorbing polymers’ production
11. Study of usage of filtration mother liquids when preparation of reclamation process solutions
12. Innovations in drilling sector
13. «Green economy» and energy emphases of the Kazatomprom
14. International training for specialist of national data centers,
15. Features of the Budenovkoye deposit, its applicability in the practice of exploration and operation
16. Gift of wonderworking
17. Named among the top best
18. To the issue for improvement of drilling equipment required for deposit exploration developed by in-situ leaching
19. Case history of earth remote sensing and geologicgeophysical methods in prospecting infiltration uranium deposits